Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Parent Volunteers needed!

Thu. Sept. 25
WE need every parent to take an active role in the school. Joining and participating in the PTA is a great place to start. It is only $4 for a single membership and $7 for a family membership. If you haven't signed up yet, please don't delay!

We have many committees setup for various events.

Reflections program
We need committee members for this project. Heather Early is the chair.

Mr. Tom Case is the faculty adviser for this program. In the past, he has collected the work and organized it for judging. However, leadership for this program needs to come
from the local PTA and its volunteers as it is a PTA sponsored enrichment program.

He gave me this link on the VAPTA website that has all the forms regarding this year's programs.

His blog is here.

Please e-mail us if you can help with this.