Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Committee Chair Kickoff Meeting Notes

Thu, Oct. 2
We held our meeting and have secured chairpersons for most every committee. Yea! As of now, we still need 1 more chairperson.

There is also still a need for more committee members. Committee chairs who are in desperate need for members will be in touch with all PTA members, starting with those who signed up in the General committee. The current list is as follows:

Audit - We need 2 more committee Volunteers
Bingo Night - Paige Kie, Chair
Box Top, Etc - Kristina Heidel, Chair
Cafeteria Volunteer - Jeannine Michaels, co-chair
Community Outreach - Elizabeth Dowdy, Chair
Field Day - Rebecca Cox, Chair
Fundraiser - Colleen Williams, Chair
Hospitality - Kelly Thompson, Chair

Landscape/Beautification - Co Chairs - Vijay Ramanujam and Becci Dougherty
Membership (includes Back to School Night/Business Day) - Christine Gerdes, co-chair
Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction - Carolyn Trongone, Spaghetti Dinner Chair
Reflections Program - Heather Earley, Chair & Tom Case, Faculty Adviser
Trunk or Treat - Deb VanDuzee, Chair
Valentine Dance - Kirsten Bilodeau, Chair