Friday, January 30, 2009


The proceeds from our fall fundraiser will enable us to purchase a promethean board for the school. The cost is considerably less than we had budgeted, so the PTA Executive Board has decided to participate in a great program - FAMILY READING NIGHT! To kick things off, we are very interested in organizing a whole school reading activity, One School, One Book. This program began in Richmond and people across the country have participated. The idea is to create a bond between all students in a learning community. Each child is given a copy of the same book and together as a school, the book is read, questions are asked and conversations take place between students at different age levels.

More information will be coming home soon!

Thank you.

Karen Stapleton
PTA President

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009 6:30pm PTA Meeting / Bingo Night

As parents, grandparents, and guardians, we want to protect our children from any and all dangers that threaten them in the world. However, the question is: How do we defend children from the virtual world? What precautions should we take to secure the safety of our children on the Internet?

Please plan on attending the PTA meeting, January 8, 2009 at 6:30pm.
Operation Blue Ridge Thunder will be giving a brief presentation on Internet Safety that will educate all of us on this growing problem!!
Dr. Linda Underwood will address us about the 2009-2010 School Budget.
Students who took part in the Reflections program will be recognized.

There will be Bingo for the kids and refreshments!!