Monday, October 4, 2010

GES Teachers and Parents -- Made Their Mark!

WOW! What a fantastic Back to School Night! 

It was so exciting to see so many GES families out supporting their school. We started the PTA meeting out by recognizing that 100% of the GES staff joined the PTA. What a challenge for our parents to meet! Many families followed the staff's lead and joined. The numbers were so good that we haven't had a chance to get a final total but will get it out as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your support and hope everyone enjoyed their time in their children's classrooms!   We need to thank our Short Pump Town Center's Chick-Fil-A for the very generous donation of a chicken platter that helped provide an appreciation meal our teachers before the meeting.

Hope to see many of you at the volunteer training next Friday at 9am in the GES cafeteria!

Congratulations to the Street Family who were the winners of the iPod shuffle raffle held for all families who had signed up for a PTA membership to date.

Also, we had a separate raffle for GES teachers who joined the PTA and our winner was...
Mrs. Andrea Cachina!

We are overwhelmed with the teacher response this year We have 100% membership from the GES teachers. Incredible! Thank-you!

Come on families, let's match that!