Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We have some exciting events in the near future at GES!

Thursday, March 11 Family Night - Spaghetti Dinner & Auction 5pm
We are currently searching for items to include in the silent and live auction! Do you own your own business or work for a company that would consider making a donation?
Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated! Please contact a PTA board member by the end of February if you can help out!  Thanks!

Sat. March 13th GES PTA Night at Goochland Drive-In Theatre 5p 
new date Saturday March 20
Featuring the original "Charlotte's Web" movie - come early for delicious and affordable concessions!

Look for information to be sent home from school soon about our  
Valentine Silver Angels!
We have "adopted" 28 Goochland County senior citizens and plan to shower them with Valentine cheer for the next couple weeks. Each class will have their very own angel to make them feel special and loved :-). Please encourage your child to make a card to show they care about the needy and elderly in our community!

And...don't forget to nominate your favorite teacher for VA Lottery's "Super Teacher Award" before the March 5th deadline.
More information and on-line nominating forms can be found here: