Saturday, January 16, 2010

Your Nominating Committee and Budget Update

At last night's PTA meeting, Dr. Underwood announced a special School Board meeting that has been scheduled for 7pm on Tuesday, January 19th at GES. Ivan Mattox, our district's School Board representative, and Dr. Underwood provided an update on the school budget and answered questions from the audience. On behalf of the PTA, thank you both for attending!

The most recent copy of the Superintendent's budget that was proposed to the School Board this past Tuesday evening, can be downloaded from the first page of the GCPS website:

As parents, one of the most impactful ways we can get involved is to communicate with our elected decision makers in Goochland county. The recommendation was made to parents to establish and/or maintain communication with the appropriate supervisor in your district as well as the appropriate School Board Representative to ensure they he is aware of your wishes/concerns as the budget is in deliberation. The following web addresses provide information on who to contact in your district:

The School Board is expected to vote on the budget January 26th in order to present their adopted budget to the BOS January 28th.

In other news, your Nominating Committee was elected to recommend PTA officers for next year. Those members elected to serve on the Committee are Angela Carter (441-1439), Dianna Gordon (556-5321) and Elizabeth Nelson-Lyda (439-4591). Their nominations for next year's officers will be announced at Family Night on March 11th and the election of officers will be held on April 22nd just prior to the Talent Show. Please contact any of the three Nominating Committee members if you wish to recommend an individual to serve as a PTA officer for next year. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the time of election. Thanks to these three folks for serving in this important capacity!

Also, a HUGE thank you goes out to Jennifer Hite, BINGO Committee Chair, for coordinating a great evening of fun for the kids! Jennifer ~ we greatly appreciate all of your hard work before and during BINGO Night!

Thank you for your continued support of the GES PTA and have a wonderful extended weekend!

Best regards,
Elizabeth Dowdy

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Goochland Elementary/Specialty Center Parent-Teacher Assoc

Jan 13, 2010 Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 1, 2009 through January 13, 2010

Ordinary Income/Expense Jul 1, '09 - Jan 13, '10 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget 32.7%

Fundraising Events

Parents Night Out 0.00 500.00 (500.00) 0.0%
Spring Musical 0.00 3,860.00 (3,860.00) 0.0%
Drive In Movie Night 0.00 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.0% 10.8%
Chuck E Cheese Event 330.78 500.00 (169.22) 66.2% 271.7%
Ice Cream Social 161.00 200.00 (39.00) 80.5%
Santa Shop
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Scrapbook Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 212.1%
Spaghetti Dinner 0.00 4,150.00 (4,150.00) 0.0% 38.4%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Bake Sale
0.00 1,300.00 (1,300.00) 0.0%
Spaghetti Dinner - Other 0.00 5,450.00 (5,450.00) 0.0%
Total Spaghetti Dinner 0.00 7,300.00 (7,300.00) 0.0%
Spring Fundraiser 1,400.61 1,400.00 0.61 100.0% 0.0%
Trunk or Treat 0.00 550.00 (550.00) 0.0%
Valentine's Dance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser 7,440.00 7,800.00 (360.00) 95.4%
Gertrude Hawk Internet Sales 7,440.00 7,800.00 (360.00) 95.4%
Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser - ... 9,332.39 28,560.00 (19,227.61)

Total Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser

Total Fundraising Events 0.00 900.00 (900.00) 0.0%
Fundraising Programs 0.00 75.00 (75.00) 0.0%
Operation Free Money 105.40

Tyson Labels 105.40 975.00 (869.60)
Ukrops Golden Gift 815.00 300.00 515.00

Total Fundraising Programs 55.00 0.00 55.00

Local Membership Dues 1,429.50 700.00 729.50 100.0%
Other Types of Income 1,484.50 700.00 784.50 204.2%
11,737.29 30,535.00 (18,797.71)

Spirit Wear Sales

Total Other Types of Income

Total Income 0.00 225.00 (225.00)

0.00 0.00 0.00

Leadership Education 0.00 225.00 (225.00) 0.0%

Publications/Brouchures 0.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00)

Total Leadership Education 0.00 500.00 (500.00)

0.00 200.00 (200.00) 0.0%
Teacher Professional Develop... 0.00 200.00 (200.00) 0.0%
5th Grade Graduation exp 695.00 1,450.00 (755.00) 0.0%
Beautification & Landscaping 221.32 1,000.00 (778.68) 0.0%
Community Outreach 1,640.87 1,780.00 (139.13) 47.9%
Concerts/ Theater Arts 0.00 200.00 (200.00) 22.1%
Field Days
0.00 150.00 (150.00) 92.2%
0.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) 0.0%
Incentive Prizes 2,557.19 11,480.00 (8,922.81) 0.0%

SOL Tutoring 0.00 1,000.00 (1,000.00)

Total Programs 0.00 0.00 0.00

86.40 150.00 (63.60) 0.0%
Spring Musical 0.00 30.00 (30.00) 0.0%
Bingo Night
0.00 0.00 0.00 57.6%
Operation Free Money 516.45 7,000.00 (6,483.55) 0.0%
BTS Night /Ice Cream Social 0.00 175.00 (175.00) 0.0%
Business Day/Open house 3,563.17 3,900.00 (336.83) 7.4%
Equipment & Materials for GES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Fundraiser Prizes 0.00 800.00 (800.00) 91.4%
Gertrude Hawk 1,390.70 450.00 940.70 0.0%
Santa Shop

Spaghetti Dinner

Spirit Wear Expense

Goochland Elementary/Specialty Center Parent-Teacher Assoc

Jan 13, 2010 Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 1, 2009 through January 13, 2010

Jul 1, '09 - Jan 13, '10 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Spring Fundraiser % 0.00 3,500.00 (3,500.00) 0.0% 34.0%
Trunk or Treat 481.54 450.00 31.54 107.0%
Valentine's Dance 0.00 300.00 (300.00) 0.0%
Total Projects 6,038.26 17,755.00 (11,716.74)

PTA Expenditures

Bank Service Charges 0.00 150.00 (150.00) 0.0%
Contract Services
0.00 0.00

Accounting Fees
0.00 0.00

Legal Fees

0.00 0.00

Outside Contract Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Total Contract Services 0.00 350.00 (350.00) 0.0%
County PTA Council Dues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%
Depreciation Expense 377.00 300.00 77.00 125.7%
Liability & Bonding Insurance 8.80 50.00 (41.20) 17.6% 44.2%
73.90 75.00 (1.10) 98.5% 0.0%
Printing and Copying 15.61 150.00 (134.39) 10.4% 29.7%
475.31 1,075.00 (599.69)
Total PTA Expenditures 0.00 0.00 0.00

Teacher Enrichment 9,070.76 30,535.00 (21,464.24)

Total Expense 2,666.53 0.00 2,666.53

Net Ordinary Income

Other Income/Expense

Other Expense 467.50

Dues sent to State PTA office 467.50

Total Other Expense (467.50)

Net Other Income 2,199.03

Net Income

0.00 2,199.03

Monday, January 11, 2010

School Board meeting this Tues, Jan.12

E-mail sent out via gesptavoice:
A School Board meeting will be held this Tuesday evening, January 12th, at Goochland High School in the Auditorium starting at 7pm. The School Board is expected to vote on a finalized budget January 26th and present it to the Board of Supervisors on January 28th.

The latest published version of the 2010 -2011 proposed budget, which was presented at the School Board meeting on Dec. 15, can be downloaded from the GCPS website: and it is also provided as an attachment to this email.
Direct Link to .pdf document:

Questions about the proposed budget can be sent to Dr. Underwood at or reach her by phone at 556-5601.

Dr. Underwood will also be addressing the GES PTA on Thursday, 1/14 at 7pm in the GES cafeteria.

As the School Board looks to finalize their recommended budget for next year, make sure you stay informed of the upcoming proposed changes. As concerned parents, teachers, staff and residents of Goochland County, our time is running out to voice our option on how the proposed changes to the budget will affect current and future students in our county.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Come and join us for some fun at

Bingo Night

Thursday, January 14, 2010
7:00 pm @ GES

Featuring guest speaker:
Dr. Linda Underwood,
GCPS Superintendent

While the kids play Bingo in the art room, Dr. Underwood will address parents in the cafeteria with up to date information regarding Goochland County School budget cuts. Bring your questions and/or suggestions!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Sponsored by the GES/PTA.