Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Richmond Shakespeare coming to Goochland High School THIS Saturday 6PM - Fundraiser for Goochland Education Foundation

A Christmas Carol for Two Actors
Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 6pm in the Goochland High School Auditorium
$7 for students $14 for adults

This is Scrooge's last chance to redeem his life...
Amd it's your last chance to see the highly acclaimed performance by Richmond Shakespeare!

Purchase tickets at the GHS box office or on-line at:
For more information, call 804-439-4591

Proceeds from this performance go to the Goochland Education Foundation. For more information on the foundation, check their website at: 
or Facebook:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, November 10th!

This coming Thursday, there are 3 reasons to come out to Goochland Elementary School in the evening from 6-8. Mark your calendar.
Thursday, November 10th!
1) BOOK FAIR – This is the first opportunity to purchase from GES’ Media Center’s Scholastic Book Fair which will be open from 6-7pm.  
More info can be found on the media center site:

2) A brief general membership PTA meeting will start at 7pm sharp. You will be updated by our president on some of the projects and programs that have been accomplished already as well as those planned. The budget will be presented by the treasurer. Spirit Wear will be for sale and membership signups will be taken for anyone who has not yet signed up.

The Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders will have their Fall program. The students have been practicing their parts in music class, and are excited to share their program with you!

All students are to meet with their teachers in their classrooms at 6:45 PM. The students will meet together with their classes before coming to the auditorium. Once your child is in his / her classroom, please come to the cafeteria and find a seat.

Suggested program attire:
Kindergarten – Please have your child dress as if they were working / playing out in the yard. Bib overalls, jeans, sneakers, work gloves, and toy rakes are welcome. Do not wear heavy clothing, as the stage can get rather warm.
First Grade – Please have your child wear a football jersey, or they may dress in festive fun autumn colors. (Dressed for dinner at Grandma’s)
Second Grade – Please dress your children as Grandparents! They may wear wigs, beards, baggy clothing, and glasses. You are encouraged to be creative and have fun with this process.
The program will be short, sweet and will showcase our wonderful primary students here at Goochland Elementary School.

We look forward to seeing you on November 10th!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

GES PTA Membership Drive

GES PTA wants to have 100% family and teacher membership. You can click on the membership form link below to print it and send it in through school with your membership dues. Any questions, please contact us through the e-mail

Pta Membership Form 2011

You can read the Virginia PTA website the benefits of membership . In part they say:

Benefits of Membership
Membership in the National and State PTA means:
  • Making a difference in the lives of all children and youth
  • Supporting appropriate legislation to improve laws, policies, and conditions on behalf of children
  • Obtaining valuable information, news, and services to keep members abreast of key issues affecting children
  • Each local unit president receives a copy of National PTA’s award-winning magazine "Our Children" , others can receive copies through a subscription process. The president and principal of school receive copies of the Virginia PTA Bulletin plus four other subscriptions as designated by the PTA president. The Bulletin covers a wide variety of child and family matters, health and safety issues, legislation briefings, and highlights of PTA work and activities from around the nation.

Membership in a local PTA means:
  • Investing in our children's future
  • Communicating with local and state decision makers on issues and concerns facing today’s children
  • Growing personally and professionally through leadership development
  • Obtaining valuable resources and materials on parenting, education, health, and safety topics
  • Uniting with a national association that advocates exclusively on behalf of all children
A member is the most important person in any organization. When members join the PTA they bring with them certain needs and wants, and as PTA leaders, it is our obligation to do our very best to fulfill those needs.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Goochland County Candidates Forum - Sunday October 23

Join your neighbors to meet with the Goochland County Candidates in a open question forum. The focus of this forum will be on the Goochland County School System, but all questions for the candidates will be considered.
Goochland Recreation Center, 2415 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 22063
Sunday, October 23
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

More information can be found at:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Introducing Shop Goochland First!

Shop Goochland First is a campaign to promote and support Goochland County businesses, Goochland County Public Schools and grow our local economy. This program is a partnership with the Goochland County Chamber of Commerce. This campaign will mutually benefit local businesses in the county, the Goochland Chamber, as well as Goochland Public Schools.
To learn more details about the program please visit our website –

Monthly Fundraisers (local business):
The key to this program are the monthly fundraisers that will encourage the Goochland community to shop at the Goochland businesses which are participating in the “Shop Goochland First” program. In return, those businesses will make a donation to your Goochland Public School of choice.  All the details of the Fundraising program can be found on the website –

Chamber Members can join the “Shop Goochland First” program for as little as $200/year.  (Non-Chamber Members - $300/year)  Ten percent of your SGF membership fee goes towards the Goochland Chamber’s Scholarship fund.  For all the membership details visit the membership page on the website -

How you can Help this Program Succeed:

  1. If you own a local business in Goochland County, consider signing up for the program.
  2. Sign up for the e-newsletter to get notified of monthly fundraisers, benefiting the schools.
  3. “Like” ShopGoochlandFirst on Facebook -
  4. Frequent the merchants that participate in the school fundraisers.   
  5. Tell family, friends, businesses, students, and parents about the program.  Ask them to ‘like’ us on Facebook and to sign up for the mailing list.
If you have any questions, please email or give me a call.

Thanks for all your support!
Lisa Handy

Candidate Night - Goochland School Board - Wednesday, October 19

The Goochland Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Candidate Night for all candidates on the November ballot running for the School Board. The event will be held on Wednesday, October 19 from 6-9pm at Goochland High School. Voters are encouraged to submit questions for the candidates; Check their website for more information: or Click HERE to view the flier.

Candidate Night - Goochland Board of Supervisors - Tuesday, October 18

The Goochland Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Candidate Night for all candidates on the November ballot running for Board of Supervisors and County Treasurer. The event will be held on Tuesday, October 18 from 6-9pm at Goochland High School. Voters are encouraged to submit questions for the candidates; Check their website for more information: or Click HERE to view the flier.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

GES PTA 2011/2012 Event Calendar Is Here

We have published the 2011/2012 GES PTA Calendar. You can see it HERE.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

GES Back to School Night - September 7th, 2011

GES Back to School Night 
is Wednesday, September 7th, 2011
from 6:30-8pm

Please plan to come out for our first PTA meeting of the year and then have the opportunity to visit the classrooms and speak with your child's teachers. 

Ice cream cups will be available at .50 each. 

All PTA Memberships turned in on or before BTS night will be eligible for a prize drawing. Memberships are $7 this year for a maximum of 2 adults in the family. 

Spirit Wear will be for sale as well.

6:30-7:00 Ice Cream Time in Cafeteria
7:00 - 7:20 Brief PTA Business Meeting and Teacher Introductions
7:20 - 8:00 Meet and Greet Classroom Times with your Teacher(s).

At this time, the PTA general mailbox is: if you have any questions or comments. Or feel free to contact any of this year's board members, who are listed in a prior post.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Updates

Please continue to collect our Operation Free Money items (Box Tops, Labels for Education, Juice Pouches, sign up your TARGET card, etc.).

Current list of collection projects for Operation Free Money can be found HERE. 
Spread the news to friends and relatives.

2011 School Business day is scheduled for: Thursday August 18th from 3-7

School supply lists can be found on our new principal Mrs. Tina McCay's weblog: 

2011-2012 Elementary School Supply Lists

Don't forget about the Virginia Sales Tax Holiday on school supplies/clothing August 5, 6, 7.

School starts: Monday, August 22nd.Additional school calendar can be found at: 

Check GES' website for more information as it becomes available. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

2011/2012 PTA executive board members

Our new 2011/2012 PTA executive board members are: 
  • President                Lia Goff
  • 1st Vice Pres.          Jeannine Michaels
  • 2nd Vice Pres.        Susan Doczi
  • Secretary                Colleen Williams
  • Treasurer                Kendra Lumpkins

Monday, May 2, 2011

PTA Meeting/ K-2 Spring Sing/ GES TALENT SHOW

PTA Meeting/ K-2 Spring Sing/ GES TALENT SHOW
Will be held at the 
Parks & Recreation Gymnasium
Show Begins @ 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 4th

Final PTA meeting of the year where next year's PTA Board officers are elected.
Grades K-2 will give their Spring performance led by Mrs. Kim Watts.
The GES Talent Show will begin after a short intermission.

GES' 5th Grade Graduation Committee will be selling water, baked goods, and flowers at the intermission and following the Talent Show.