Friday, September 18, 2009

2009-2010 PTA Goals

2009-2010 PTA Goals
  • Partner with local schools to create a weather station in the county by adopting a WeatherBug system.
  • Theater IV Production for all GES students – The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.
  • Roll out the Kindergarten Lunch Partners program to all the grades this year. - (Volunteers help in cafeteria so teachers can enjoy a quiet, relaxing lunch from time to time!)
  • Provide funding for SOL tutoring.
  • Shower the teachers with an appreciation dinner on parent/teacher conference days.
  • Hold “Parent’s Night Out” Evenings - Nov/Dec & February.
  • Provide students opportunities to experience community service and the joy of giving to others.
  • Supply umbrellas for classes in the Annex Building.
  • Provide a seminar for parents & teachers on “How to Stretch your Money in Today’s Economy!”
  • Enhance communications between parents, PTA, school & school board.
  • Supply the school with a promethean smart board.
  • Assess opportunities throughout the year for enhancing parent/teacher relations!

Back to School Night was a big success!

Back to School Night was a big success! We tried a new format with attempts to better manage the growing population at Goochland Elementary! Thank you to our super scoopers who did a great job dishing out the ice cream!

The new spirit wear was very popular among students, parents and teachers! Please check the fundraising committee page HERE for ordering information or contact the chairperson directly. Order forms will be sent through the school very soon for special ordering and more information on "Lion Pride in Bulldog Country" merchandise!

Holding our PTA meeting via the PA system was well received and the feedback on providing ballots for voting was very positive.

The results from voting are in! The audit that was conducted on last year's financials has been adopted and the proposed budget for this year has been approved. Thank you to the 51 individuals and families that cast their ballot last night. Your support of the PTA is greatly appreciated! The officers are looking forward to a great year together!