Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 10 - Winter Program and brief PTA General Membership Mtg

Don't forget, Wednesday, December 10 is the Winter program and a brief PTA general membership meeting at the Goochland High School starting at 7pm.

The teachers should have sent home information as to what time your child needs to be at the school and where they are to meet.

Committee Chair Kickoff Meeting Notes

Thu, Oct. 2
We held our meeting and have secured chairpersons for most every committee. Yea! As of now, we still need 1 more chairperson.

There is also still a need for more committee members. Committee chairs who are in desperate need for members will be in touch with all PTA members, starting with those who signed up in the General committee. The current list is as follows:

Audit - We need 2 more committee Volunteers
Bingo Night - Paige Kie, Chair
Box Top, Etc - Kristina Heidel, Chair
Cafeteria Volunteer - Jeannine Michaels, co-chair
Community Outreach - Elizabeth Dowdy, Chair
Field Day - Rebecca Cox, Chair
Fundraiser - Colleen Williams, Chair
Hospitality - Kelly Thompson, Chair

Landscape/Beautification - Co Chairs - Vijay Ramanujam and Becci Dougherty
Membership (includes Back to School Night/Business Day) - Christine Gerdes, co-chair
Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction - Carolyn Trongone, Spaghetti Dinner Chair
Reflections Program - Heather Earley, Chair & Tom Case, Faculty Adviser
Trunk or Treat - Deb VanDuzee, Chair
Valentine Dance - Kirsten Bilodeau, Chair

Committee Chair Kick Off meeting

Fri. Sept. 26
Thank you for signing up for one or more PTA committees!

You're invited to attend the Committee Chair Kick Off meeting!
When: October 1, 2008
Where: Goochland Library Meeting Room
Time: 7:00 PM
Refreshments will be provided.

The success of GES/SC PTA programs is directly dependent on our volunteers. The PTA offers you the opportunity to get involved as little or as much as you want. Every volunteer is appreciated by the teachers, staff and children, whether you are in the classroom once a week, once a year or even if you can only help out at home. This school year the PTA Board is formally establishing committees and chair persons to ensure a successful school year. We are meeting to kick off this effort and we need your help, input, and ideas. Below is a list of the committees, which you signed up to help with one or more. Check out the list for chairperson vacancies and please consider being a vital part of the PTA.

Please forward to anyone you know who is interested in volunteering but has not yet signed up.

VOLUNTEER - Jolita Dorsett

V is for the vigor that you bring
O is for the opportunity to know you
L is for your life you share
U is for the unconditional love you have
N is for the nurturing you give
T is for the time you don’t have
E is for the excitement you bring
E is for the energy you have
R is for the reason you’re a volunteer!

Looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday night.
Please let me know if you are unable to attend or have any questions.

Thank you,
Rachel Pudwill

Parent Volunteers needed!

Thu. Sept. 25
WE need every parent to take an active role in the school. Joining and participating in the PTA is a great place to start. It is only $4 for a single membership and $7 for a family membership. If you haven't signed up yet, please don't delay!

We have many committees setup for various events.

Reflections program
We need committee members for this project. Heather Early is the chair.

Mr. Tom Case is the faculty adviser for this program. In the past, he has collected the work and organized it for judging. However, leadership for this program needs to come
from the local PTA and its volunteers as it is a PTA sponsored enrichment program.

He gave me this link on the VAPTA website that has all the forms regarding this year's programs.

His blog is here.

Please e-mail us if you can help with this.

The GES/SC PTA Thanks You!

Subject: The GES/SC PTA Thanks You!
The GES/SC PTA would like to THANK YOU for coming out and making our Back to School night a GREAT SUCCESS! We hope the meeting was informative and that you enjoyed the ice cream! :) We just wanted to remind you about the following:

*Please remember to submit your directory forms so we can complete and distribute these to you.
*If you are not already a member, please join the PTA and take advantages of the great benefits.
*Please sign up for a committee to help with our school.
*Have fun with the Virginia Diner Fundraiser. This is due by 10/6.
*Don't forget about the cool GES Scrapbooks.
*Please address any suggestions, comments, concerns and/or questions to us via email or the suggestion box. We would love to hear your feedback about Back to School Night..

School funding has been cut state wide. We know economical times are hard, please consider giving your time to support GES/SC PTA activities for our children.

We look forward to seeing you at our next BIG EVENT- TRUNK OR TREAT on October 25th! More details to come..

8/16/09 post
Your 2009/2010 PTA Board Members are:
Elizabeth Dowdy - President
Karen Stapleton - Vice President
Lisa Hobbs - Vice President
Robert McLemore - Treasurer
Avis Watson - Secretary
2009/2010 GES Calendar of PTA Events: Click HERE.
We encourage all of you to join the PTA. This is such a wonderful organization that gives back to the school. We challenge you to become involved at the school and sign up for one of the committees. In order to be completely successful, we need everyone's help.

We need every parent to take an active role in the school. Joining and participating in the PTA is a great place to start. It is only $4 for a single membership and $7 for a family membership. If you haven't signed up yet, please don't delay!
Please join us- WE NEED YOU!

We also have many committees setup that you can help with.

GES PTA Committees: 2009 - 2010

This year there have been some slight modifications to the committees. Please consider signing up. You can sign up at anytime. Many committees need a chairperson or co-chairs as well as as many committee members as possible to share the responsibilities. Just contact a board member or e-mail through this site.

Standing Committees:
comprised of committees that remain intact throughout the academic year to support multiple projects or ongoing programs. Chairs of these committees are part of the PTA’s Executive Board of Directors.
Event Committees:
comprised of committees that come together to coordinate and organize a particular event or program.
Each committee has its own blog and the active ones are on a blog roll on the right side column. Feel free to check them out to see what is going on.
Volunteer Post from 7/24/09
by Joan Perry, CAVS
Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital

"How can I be of help?" she asked,
"I have a good idea," he said,
"Here, hold my hand," she suggested,
"We'll do it together," they offered.

"We'll be right here until it's done."
"Let's do it this way, its more fun!"
"It's what we're here for it's no fuss."
"Call us back if you should need us."

"She needs our help, God bless her heart."
"Oh, I'm just glad to do my part."
"Walk with me, I'll show the way."
"Goodness no, I don't want pay."

"You can do it, I'll show you how."
"You need it when? I'll do it now."
"If you need anything I'm right here."
"Who am I? A volunteer."